Terms and conditions
- All prices include GST.
- A deposit of $400.00 is required to confirm a booking. A non-confirmed
booking may be booked over by another party.
- If the trip is called off by the skipper due to adverse weather,
another suitable date will be arranged by mutual agreement, if
there are no suitable dates available, deposit will be refunded.
- If a confirmed booking is cancelled by the customer less than
2 weeks prior to the trip date, the deposit will not be refunded
but is able to be transfered to another date mutually agreed upon.
- The full balance of payment for the charter is due by no less than 2 working days prior to the charter date via internet banking or with cash, by prior arrangement, upon boarding the boat on the day of the charter.
- No credit card payments or eftpos payments available.
- All children must be actively supervised by their own adult
caregiver at all times.
- Passengers with medical conditions that may be relevant during
an emergency must advise the skipper upon boarding.
- A reasonable amount of alcohol is permitted to come on board. This is to be declared to the skipper upon boarding and any excess may be left behind. No glass bottles or spirits. Passengers are not permitted to be intoxicated, this is at the discretion of the skipper and a return to shore can be ordered.
- Illegal drugs are not permitted.
- Customers are expected to show due care and respect to the facillities
and hire equipment. Damage or loss by careless use may be charged
to the hirer for replacement cost.
- Sea Genie Charters and any employee thereof are not responsible
for any personal loss or injury incurred by passengers while onboard
the vessel.
- Fishing productivity will be affected if customers supply sub-standard
bait / tackle / rods etc. We are happy to make recommendations
for the above, or we can supply the equipment and bait. Additional
charges apply.
- Confirming a booking is deemed as acknowledgement and agreement
to ALL "Terms and Conditions" by ALL members of the
charter group.
This is the reponsibility of the charter organiser to advise all members of the party of these Terms and Conditions.